Current Members

Leon Andrew

Joseph Tsannie

Corrine Potter

Lana Lowe
Past Members

Cleo Reece

Darren Calliou

Sharon Peter

Vera Nicholsan
The Senior Academic Advisory Committee, often working in collaboration with the TKAC, provides important guidance from an academic perspective. We have been fortunate to have three experienced, well-respected, and deeply committed scholars engaged in the project right from its conception.
Current Members

Fikret Berkes

Henry Huntington

Mark Nuttall
Partner Organizations
Indigenous organization partners of the Tracking Change project are those Indigenous governments, organizations, and co-management boards that provided a letter of support for the funding application to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2014), including acknowledgment of the Principles of Partnership. Additional groups have joined as partners throughout the project through their nomination by an existing partner or member of the TKAC and by becoming a signatory to the Guiding Principles of Collaboration
Academic Partners
Academic partners similarly provided letters of support and signed the Guiding Principles of Collaboration